
 Protection on IRC

Many users need protection and channel management tools, here we supply everyone with the tools and knowledge you'll need to IRC safely and securely operate your channel. There are two sections, one for channel protection and the other for personal protection.

Channel Protection

  • Guest Nick Kicker
  • !list Kicker
  • Mass Clone Flood Protection
  • Mass Kick Protection
  • Repeat Flood Protection
  • Ban Protection
  • Long Text Kicker
  • Spam/Advertisement Kicker [Fixed]
  • Clone Protection
  • Revolving Door Kicker
  • Seen Script Kicker
  • Swear Kicker
  • Control Code Kicker
  • Excess Punctuation Kicker
  • Caps Kicker
  • Caps Kicker #2
  • Control Code Kicker #2
  • Repeat Kicker
  • Personal Protection

  • Ctcp Flood Protection
  • Dcc Flood Protection
  • Query Window Flood Protection
  • Notice Flood Protection
  • Internet/PC Protection

    Revolving Door Kicker
    Written by DeviL

    Some people like to channel surf by joining a channel then leaving so fast you can't do anything about it. This could also come in handy for join/part floods. The code below goes into mIRC remotes.

    on @*:join:#: { set -u8 %door. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 } on @*:part:#: { if (%door. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] && %door.check == $null) { set -u6 %door.check 1 ban -u60 # $nick 2 .notice $nick Revolving Door Ban set on you. } }

    The code above simply listens to on joins and parts on channel's you are op on. If the user joins a channel and leaves that channel within 8 seconds of joining, we proceed to ban that user for 60 seconds and send him/her a notice about being banned. The code is explained line by line below.

    on @*:join:#: { set -u8 %door. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 } ; Sets a variable according to the user's host and the channel ; If you are not op on that channel, mIRC ignore's it and no variable is set. ; You may set a specific channel by replacing # with your channels name on @*:part:#: { ; Here we listen for parts, if you're not op, this doesn't trigger if (%door. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] && %door.check == $null) { ; Check if the user parted within 8 seconds ; %door.check is a precautionary variable set so we don't flood ourself ; That will make sure we only set the ban once set -u6 %door.check 1 ban -u60 # $nick 2 .notice $nick Revolving Door Ban set on you. ; Bans user and notify him/her about being banned } }

    If you find any errors or have any questions/comments, please contact us via email, memo, or our script forum. Thanks for your time.