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IGNORE komanda
Komandat e RadioZemra
Komanda ne #Ndihme
User Commands
IRCOp Commands
Ne kete faqe do te mund te gjeni disa nga komandat me te perdorura ne chat, dhe do keni sqarime se si perdoren dhe cfar qellimi kane. Nese keni ndonje gje te paqarte, ju mund te na kontaktoni ne dhomen #ndihme. Shpresojme te gjeni ate qe keni kerkuar
Komanda te pergjithshme:
/list - Ju jep listen e dhomave ne AlbaChat
/join #emridhomes - Ju mundeson te hyni ne dhome!
Shembull: /join #kuiz
Shembull: /ignore DeviL ose shikoni ketu: INJORO
Shembull: /unignore DeviL
/me - Ju mundeson te dergoni mesazh ne shembullin me poshte:
Shembull: /me I pershendes te gjithe te pranishmit!
do te duket keshtu:
* DeviL I pershendes te gjithe te pranishmit!
/nick nickujuaj - Mundeson te ndroni nickun tuaj
Shembull:/nick DeviL
Shembull:/nick Zeshkan
Shembull:/nick Bukuroshe
/mode nickujuaj +R ose /umode2 +R - E bllokon PV tuaj vetem per nickat qe jane pa regjistruar
/mode nickujuaj -R ose /umode2 -R - E liron PV tuaj per te gjithe
/mode nickujuaj +D ose /umode2 +D - E bllokon PV tuaj per te gjithe (pervec administratoreve)
/mode nickujuaj -D ose /umode2 -D - E liron PV tuaj per te gjithe
/mode nickujuaj +P ose /umode2 +P - E bllokon pv per te gjithe, pervec ato qe i keni ne liste
/mode nickujuaj -P ose /umode2 -P - E liron PV tuaj per te gjithe
* /pmlist - jep listen e usereve qe mund te ju shenojne ne pv
* /openpm NICKUN - Shton nickun e dhene ne listen e bardhe
psh: /openpm DeviL
* /openpm NICKUN -persist - Shton nickun e dhene ne liste dhe e mban ne memorie edhe pas shkeputjes se lidhjes
psh: /openpm DeviL -persist
* /closepm NICKUN - I ndalon mundesine nickun te dhene qe te ju shenoje ne PV
psh: /closepm guest*
/whois - Mundeson te shikoni me teper informata reth personit qe deshironi
Shembull: /whois DeviL
!shiko Nickname ose Host - Mundeson te shikoni kur ka qen dikush online
Shembull: !shiko DeviL ose /msg RadioZemra shiko *!chat@*
!msg NICKUN mesazhin - Mundeson te leni mesazh per personin qe nuk eshte ne chat momentalisht
Shembull: !msg DeviL vetem deshta te pershendes se nuk te kam takuar online
Shembull: !msg DeviL kur ta marish kete mesazh, me thir ne telefon
Mesazh mund te leni per persona qe perdorin nick te njejte sa here qe hyn ne chat
Nese ju nuk perdorni nick te njejte, atehere ne fund te mesazhit shenoni dhe kush jeni
BAN Komanda
Keto jane disa ban te vecante nga bani normal, me poshte do te keni sqarim cili ban si funksionon
Sqarim |
Shembull |
Nese personi gjindet ne #spammer nuk do te mund te hyje ne #albachat, por nese i njejti person eshte @/+h/+v ne dhomen #ops atehere do te mund te hyne. | +b ~c:#spammer dhe +e ~c:@#ops ose +e ~c:h#ops ose +e ~c:v#ops |
Nese real name i userit permban fjalen si ne shembull, i njejti person nuk do mund te hyje ne #albachat. Per vend te zbrazet duhet te perdorni _ si ne shembullin e me poshtem | +b ~r:*real_name_e_pa_lejuar* |
Ky opcion permban 2 aksione: 'censor' dhe 'block', shikoni shembujt. | +b ~T:censor:*fjalEpiste* +b ~T:block:*kurva* |
IGNORE Komanda
- -p - jep ignore per mesazhet private (kjo komand nuk funksionon per personat qe i keni ne privat)
- -c - injoron mesazhet ne publik
- -n - ignjoron mesazhet me notice
- -t - ignores the ctcp messages
- -i - injoron INVITE mesazhet (per te hyre ne dhome)
- -k - injoron ngjyrat ne mesazh
- -d - injoron dcc kerkesat
- -l - lists all ignored addresses that matches the switches above if any is specified, otherwise lists all ignored addresses.
- -r - if an address/nick is specified, removes the nick/address, otherwise removes all ignored addresses.
- -w - makes the ignore apply to any network.
- -uN - specifies a delay (N) in seconds after which the ignore is automatically removed.
- -x - indicates that this address should be excluded from ignores, useful to temporarily stop ignoring an user or to allow a specific address not to be ignored after ignoring a wide range with an address.
Kjo eshte lista e komandave te RadioZemra:
.stats - tregon statistikat e Radio Zemra
!iphone - tregon adresen per degjim te RadioZemra
!kenga - tregon cila kenge kendon momentalisht
!dj - tregon kush eshte DJ momental ne Radio Zemra
!lastsongs - tregon listen e kengeve te fundit
!deshire - kerkoni deshire muzikore psh: !deshire (Kengetari - Kenga)
!degjues - jep informata per degjuesit e Radios
20 kenget e fundit te degjuara ne Radio Zemra
Komanda te mundshme ne dhomen #Ndihme
!help register - Tregon si te regjistroni nickun tuaj
!help ignore - Tregon si te beni IGNORE
!help ban - Ju tregon cfar duhet te beni nese i ndihmoni dikujt qe ka BAN ne AlbaChat
!help rregullorja - Tregon komplet rregulloren e AlbaChat
!help phone - Tregon si te kyceni ne chat me telefon
!help webcam - Lexoni me teper reth perdorimit te WEBCAM
!help microphone - Lexoni me teper reth perdorimit te Mikrofoneve
!help fb - Tregon adresen e faqes sone ne Facebook
!help ip - Ketu mund te shikoni se si e keni IP adresen tuaj!
IRCd install, compile and configure help links
!help ircd!help anope
!help neostats
!help eggdrop
!help psybnc
!help contact
User Commands
Syntax: /NICK newnickname Changes your online nick name. Alerts others to the change of your nick
Syntax: /WHOIS nick Displays information of user requested. Includes Full Name, Host, Channels User is in, and Oper Status
Syntax: /WHO mask Who allows you to search for users. Masks include: nickname, #channel, hostmask (*
Syntax: /WHOWAS nick maxreplies Displays information on a nick that has logged off. The <max replies> field is optional, and limits how many records will be returned.
Syntax: /ISON nick1 nick2 nick3 ... Allows you to check the online status of a user, or a list of users. Simple return, best used for scripts
Syntax: /JOIN channel1,channel2, ... Allows you to join channels. Using the /join #channel1,#channel2,#channel3 will allow you to join more than one channel at a time. The /join 0 command makes you PART all channels.
Syntax: /CYCLE channel1, channel2, ... Cycles the given channel(s). This command is equivalent to sending a PART then a JOIN command.
Syntax: /MOTD server Displays the servers motd. Adding a server name allows you to view motd�s on other servers.
Syntax: /RULES server Displays the ircd.rules of a server. Adding a server name allows you to view rules on other servers
Syntax: /LUSERS server Displays current & max user loads, both global and local. Adding a server name allows you to view the statistics from other servers.
Syntax: /MAP Displays a network map
Syntax: /QUIT reason Causes you to disconnect from the server. If you include a reason, it will be displayed on all channels as you quit
Syntax: /PING user Sends a PING request to a user. Used for checking connection and lag. Servers issue pings on a timed basis to determine if users are still connected.
Syntax: /VERSION server Shows you the version of the IRCd and other info related to it. If you specify a server, you will be shown information relating to that server
Syntax: /LINKS Displays a list of all servers linked to the network
Syntax: /ADMIN server Displays the admin info of a server. If a server name is included it will display the info of that server.
Syntax: /USERHOST nick Displays the userhost of the nick given. Generally used for scripts
Syntax: /TOPIC channel topic Topic <channel> will display the current topic of the given channel. Topic <channel> <topic> will change the topic of the given channel.
Syntax: /AWAY reason Marks you as being away. A reason may also be supplied.
Syntax: /WATCH +-nick +-nick Watch is a new notify-type system in UnrealIRCd which is both faster and uses less network resources than any old-style notify system. The server will send you a message when any nickname in your watch list logs on or off. The watch list DOES NOT REMAIN BETWEEN SESSIONS - you (or your script or client) must add the nicknames to your watch list every time you connect to an IRC server.
Syntax: /HELPOP ?topic or !topic HelpOp is a new system of getting IRC Server help. You type either /HELPOP ? <help system topic> or /HELPOP ! <question> The "?" in /HELPOP means query the help system and if you get no response you can choose '!' to send it to the Help Operators online. Using neither ? nor ! will mean the command will be first queried within the help system and if no match if found , it will be forwarded to the help operators
Syntax: /LIST search string If you don't include a search string, the default is to send you the entire unfiltered list of channels. Below are the options you can use, and what channels LIST will return when you use them. >number - List channels with more than <number> people. <number - List channels with less than <number> people. C>number - List channels created between now and <number> minutes ago. C<number - List channels created earlier than <number> minutes ago. T>number - List channels whose topics are older than <number> T<number - List channels whose topics are newer than <number> minutes. *mask* - List channels that match *mask* !*mask* - List channels that do not match *mask*
Syntax: /KNOCK channel message Allows you to �knock� on an invite only channel and ask for access. Will not work if channel has one of the following modes set: +K +V. Will also not work if you are banned
Syntax: /SETNAME Allows users to change their �Real Name� without reconnecting
Syntax: /VHOST login password Hides your host name by using a vhost provided by the server.
Syntax: /MODE chan/nick mode Lets you set channel and user modes. See User & Channel Modes for a list.
Syntax: /CREDITS Lists credits for everyone that has helped create UnrealIRCd
Syntax: /LICENSE Displays the GNU License
Syntax: /TIME server Displays the servers date and time. Including a server name allows you to check other servers.
Syntax: /BOTMOTD server Displays the servers bot message of the day. Including a server name allows you to check other servers
Syntax: /IDENTIFY password Sends your password to the services system to identify to your nick.
Syntax: /IDENTIFY channel password Sends your password to the services system to identify as the founder of a channel.
Syntax: /DNS option Returns information about the IRC server's DNS cache. Note, since most clients have a built-in DNS command, you will most likely need to use /raw DNS to use this. Opers may specify an l as the first parameter to the command to receive a list of entries in the DNS cache.
Syntax: /USERIP nick Returns the IP address of the user in question. This will be shown encrypted.
Syntax: /INVITE nick channel Invites the given user to the given channel. (Must be a channel Op)
Syntax: /KICK channel, channel user, user reason Kicks a user or users out of a channel, or channels. A reason may also be supplied.
Syntax: /OPER userid password Command to give a user operator status if they match an Oper Block
Syntax: /WALLOPS message Sends a message to all users with umode +w
Syntax: /GLOBOPS message Sends a message to all global IRCops
Syntax: /CHATOPS message Sends a message to all IRCops (local and global)
Syntax: /LOCOPS message Sends a message to all local IRCops
Syntax: /ADCHAT message Sends a message to all Admins
Syntax: /NACHAT message Sends a message to all Net Admins
Syntax: /KILL nick reason Kills a user from the network
Syntax: /KLINE [+|-]user@host | nick [time to ban reason] Bans the hostmask from the server it is issued on. A kline is not a global ban. time to ban is either: a) a value in seconds, b) a time value, like '1d' is 1 day or c) '0' for permanent. Time and reason are optional, if unspecified set::default-bantime (default: 0/permanent) and 'no reason' are used. To remove a kline use /kline -user@host
Syntax: /ZLINE [+|-]*@ip [time to ban reason] Bans an IP Address from the local server it is issued on (not global). See kline for more syntax info. Use /zline -*@ip to remove.
Syntax: /GLINE [+|-]user@host | nick [time to ban reason] Adds a global ban to anyone that matches. See kline for more syntax info. Use /gline -user@host to remove.
Syntax: /SHUN [+|-]user@host | nick [time to shun reason] Prevents a user from executing ANY commands and prevents them from speaking. Shuns are global (like glines). See kline for more syntax info. Use /shun -user@host to remove a shun.
Syntax: /GZLINE [+|-]ip time to ban :reason Adds a global zline. See kline for more syntax info. Use /gzline -*@ip to remove a gzline.
Syntax: /REHASH server �flags Rehashes the servers config file. Including a server name allows you to rehash a remote servers config file. Several flags are also available. They Include -motd - Only rehash all MOTD and RULES files (including tld {}) -opermotd - Only rehash the OPERMOTD file -botmotd - Only rehash the BOTMOTD file -garbage - Force garbage collection IRCop
Syntax: /RESTART password reason Restarts the IRCD Process. Password is required if drpass { } is present. You may also include a reason.
Syntax: /DIE password Terminates the IRCD Process. Password is required if drpass { } is present.
Syntax: /LAG server This command is like a Sonar or Traceroute for IRC server. You type in /LAG and it will reply from every server it passes with time and so on. Useful for looking where lag is and optional TS future/past travels
Syntax: /SETHOST newhost Lets you change your vhost to what ever you want it to be.
Syntax: /SETIDENT newident Lets you set your ident to what ever you want it to be
Syntax: /CHGHOST nick newhost Lets you change the host name of a user currently on the system
Syntax: /CHGIDENT nick newident Lets you change the ident of a user currently on the system
Syntax: /CHGNAME nick newname Lets you change the realname of a user currently on the system
Syntax: /SQUIT server Disconnects a server from the network
Syntax: /CONNECT server port server If only one server is given, it will attempt to connect the server you are ON to the given server. If 2 servers are given, it will attempt to connect the 2 servers together. Put the leaf server as the first, and the hub server as the second.
Syntax: /DCCDENY filemask reason Adds a DCCDENY for that filemask. Preventing that file from being sent.
Syntax: /UNDCCDENY filemask Removes a DCCDENY
Syntax: /SAJOIN nick channel, channel Forces a user to join a channel(s). Available to services & network admins only
Syntax: /SAPART nick channel, channel Forces a user to part a channel(s). Available to services & network admins only.
Syntax: /SAMODE channel mode Allows Network & Services admins to change modes of a channel without having ChanOps.
Syntax: /RPING servermask Will calculate in milliseconds the lag between servers
Syntax: /TRACE servermask|nickname When used on a user it will give you class and lag info. If you use it on a server it gives you class/version/link info.
Syntax: /OPERMOTD Displays the servers OperMotd File
Syntax: /ADDMOTD :text Will add the given text to the end of the Motd
Syntax: /ADDOMOTD :text Will add the given text to the end of the OperMotd
Syntax: /SDESC newdescription Allows server admins to change the description line of their server without restarting.
Syntax: /ADDLINE text Allows you to add lines to the unrealircd.conf
Syntax: /MKPASSWD password Will encrypt a clear text password to add it to the unrealircd.conf
Syntax: /TSCTL OFFSET +/- time Adjust the IRCD�s Internal clock (Do NOT use if you do not understand EXACTLY what it does)
Syntax: /TSCTL TIME Will give a TS Report
Syntax: /TSCTL ALLTIME Will give a TS Report of ALL servers
Syntax: /TSCTL SVSTIME timestamp Sets the TS time of all servers (Do NOT use if you do not understand EXACTLY what it does)
Syntax: /HTM option Controls settings related to high traffic mode. High Traffic Mode (HTM) basically disables certain user commands such as: list whois who etc in response to extremely high traffic on the server. Options include: -ON Forces server into HTM -OFF Forces server out of HTM -NOISY Sets the server to notify users/admins when in goes in and out of HTM -QUIET Sets the server to NOT notify when going in and out of HTM -TO <value> Tell HTM at what incoming rate to activate HTM
Syntax: /CLOSE This command will disconnect all unknown connections from the IRC server.