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How To Install Anope 2.0 IRC Services

Here is a guide to installing Anope.
If you come across any problems with following this guide or have problems understanding it contact us via

mIRC !


Anope is an open source set of IRC Services. It is highly modular, with a vast number of configurable parameters, and is the most used IRC services package. There are also many modules on the modsite to add additional features. It runs on Linux, BSD, and Windows, and supports many modern IRCds, including InspIRCd, UnrealIRCd, and ircd-hybrid. For more details, credits, command line options, and contact information see docs/README.

Installation instructions for Linux/UNIX:

Anope 2 requires CMake to be built. On most systems you can simply install the package from your package manager, eg. sudo apt-get install cmake or sudo yum install cmake.

First, enable any extra modules you want by executing the 'extras' script. Extra modules generally depend on other libraries, such as MySQL, and are not enabled by default due to their dependencies. Then run:


Download the latest release off of the releases page.

$ ./Config
$ cd build
$ make
$ make install

Now change to the directory where you installed Anope to, e.g. $ cd ~/services/


Download the latest release off of the releases page and run the installer.


Copy conf/example.conf to conf/services.conf

$ cp conf/example.conf conf/services.conf

Edit services.conf, configuring the uplink, serverinfo, and protocol module configurations. Example link blocks for popular IRCds are included in the the example.conf documentation. The Anope wiki is also a good source of information. Our support channel is located at #anope on

Note that the example configuration file includes other example configuration files. If you want to modify the other example configuration files, copy them (e.g. modules.example.conf to modules.conf) and modify the include directive in services.conf to include the new file.


Run $ ./bin/services to start Anope. If asked to provide logs for support, use the --support flag, e.g.: $ ./bin/services --support

Installing extra modules

Extra modules, which are usually modules which require extra libraries to use, such as m_mysql, can be enabled with the ./extras command from the source directory. Then re-run Config, make and make install again. Third party modules can be installed by placing them into the modules/third directory.

Upgrading instructions:

1) Install Anope 2 to a separate directory from your old install (such as ~/services2)

2) Copy 1.9 databases to the data directory of your new install.

3) Configure services, the configuration files are located in the "conf" directory.

Anope 2 uses a different configuration file format from 1.8, you will have to reconfigure them completely.
Use your old configuration as a reference.

4) While configuring, be sure to load db_old, which loads the old 1.8.x databases, and db_flatfile, which writes out the new Anope 2 database.
Ensure that the hash method in db_old's configuration block is the same encryption method that you are currently using on 1.8.
Load the correct encryption module, which is the same one configured in db_old.

5) Start services. Once you confirm your database has been successfully imported, comment or remove db_old from the configuration file, so that the next time services restart, they will load the newer database.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm getting this error while installing CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ? 
For Debian and Ubuntu based, or derived OSs type: apt-get install build-essential - Then try again. For other OSs you need to make sure the correct packages are installed.
When I type ./services, it says it cannot find the file. 
You need to cd to the directory you installed services to. Try: ~/services/bin
How do I install a module? 
  1. Download your module into <anope_source>/modules/third/
  2. Type: ./Config -quick to generate the correct makefiles.
  3. Type: cd build
  4. Type: make install
  5. Update your config files in services/conf/
  6. Issue a /msg operserv restart, or use /operserv modload <module_name> to load the new module.

How to install Anope 1.8

1) First login to the shell you want to install anope on then type:-

wget (or get any version you like Download Older Anope Versions

tar zxvf anope-1.8.9.tar.gz

rm -rf anope-1.8.9.tar.gz

cd anope-1.8.9


2) You will now be asked a few simple questions, we shall help you answer these as best as we can.

2.1) In what directory do you want the binaries to be installed? - Just press enter
2.2) /home/username/services does not exist. Create it? - Just press enter again
2.3) Where do you want the data files to be installed? - Press enter
2.4) Which group should all Services data files be owned by? (If Services should not force files to be owned by a particular group, just press Return.) - Enter again for this one
2.5) What should the default umask for data files be (in octal)? - Enter again, This should be fine as it is
2.6) Allow anope to automatically check for mysql libraries? unless you get errors with make, there is no need to change this setting. - Just press enter again.

3) After that script has finished doing its thing you now type "make" if that dont work use "gmake"

4) Now you need to install it by typing "make install"

5) Ok so now you have installed Anope onto your server you have to configure it. You do this by going back to your shell root and entering the new folder thats there called "services"

6) cp example.conf services.conf or download the Anope config by typing: wget

7) Now you can edit services.conf - there's lots of comments in it intended to help you configure Anope. If you have trouble, feel free to ask any questions either via our IRC channel, or via submitting a support ticket.

8) Ok you are now ready to start your services. You do this by typing: ./services

Your services should now connect fine if everything has been done correctly.

Upgrade Anope Services 1.8 to Anope 2.0

Upgrading instructions:


  • Install Anope 2 to a separate directory from your old install ( ~/newservices)
  • Copy 1.8's databases to the data directory of your new install.
  • Configure services, the configuration files are located in the "conf" directory.

Anope 2 uses a different configuration file format from 1.8, you will have to reconfigure them completely.
Use your old configuration as a reference.

  • While configuring, be sure to load db_old, which loads the old 1.8.x databases, and db_flatfile, which writes out the new Anope 2 database.
    Ensure that the hash method in db_old's configuration block is the same encryption method that you are currently using on 1.8.
    Load the correct encryption module, which is the same one configured in db_old.
  • Start services. Once you confirm your database has been successfully imported, comment or remove db_old from the configuration file, so that the next time services restart, they will load the newer database.

Overview of changes from 1.8 to 2.0:

Use an account style system instead of the old NSNickTracking option, which allows you to stay logged in no matter what nick you are on.
Fantasy support for all commands.
Can assign core pseudo clients (such as ChanServ) to channels.
A built in web panel.
Persistent channels, which allows services bots to stay in empty channels.
Channel passwords replaced with founder level access (QOP, or the FOUNDER access level).
OWNER access levels added, defaults to access level 9999.
The option to use a flags based channel access system.
Ability to authenticate via SSL certificates
Autojoin channels on authentication (ns_ajoin)
Significantly more advanced logging system, choose what is logged and where it is logged.
Support for other optional database backends, such as SQL and Redis.
Granular command configuration. Configure which command is on what service, what it's called, and who can use it.
Configurable opertypes, which allows defining new services operator levels (Root, Admin, Oper, etc.) and what permissions each has.
Ability to authenticate users against external databases, such as by SQL or LDAP.
Capability to switch between different encryption methods.
DNSBL support.

Installation instructions for Linux/UNIX:

Anope 2 requires CMake to be built. On most systems you can simply install the package from your package manager, eg. sudo apt-get install cmake or sudo yum install cmake.

First, enable any extra modules you want by executing the 'extras' script. Extra modules generally depend on other libraries, such as MySQL, and are not enabled by default due to their dependencies. Then run:

cd build
make install
Go to the /conf folder and edit all the conf files (nickserv.conf, operserv.conf and last services.conf)

Upgrading instructions:

1) Install Anope 2 to a separate directory from your old install (such as ~/services2)

2) Copy 1.8's databases to the "data" directory of your new install.

3) Configure services, the configuration files are located in the "conf" directory.

Anope 2 uses a different configuration file format from 1.8, you will have to reconfigure them completely.
Use your old configuration as a reference.

4) While configuring, be sure to load db_old, which loads the old 1.8.x databases, and db_flatfile, which writes out the new Anope 2 database.
Ensure that the hash method in db_old's configuration block is the same encryption method that you are currently using on 1.8.
Load the correct encryption module, which is the same one configured in db_old.

5) Start services. Once you confirm your database has been successfully imported, comment or remove db_old from the configuration file, so that the next time services restart, they will load the newer database.
To start Anope 2.0.2 go to bin directory and start your services by typing ./services

How to upgrade Anope 2.0.6 to Anope 2.0.7

tar zxvf 2.0.7.tar.gz
rm -rf 2.0.7.tar.gz
cd anope-2.0.7
cd build
make install
cd services/bin
./services (to start your services)

How to set up a crontab for Anope Services

A crontab entry will allow you to check periodically whether Anope is still running, and restart it if not.

First rename the example.chk script that is in Anope path (by default, this is ~/services/data) to services.chk and edit it. You'll need to. modify the CONFIGURATION part of the file. Then ensure that the file is. marked as executable by typing chmod +x services.chk, and try to launch the script to see if it works (Anope must not be running when you do this ;))

When this is done, you'll have to add the crontab entry. Type crontab -e. This will open the default text editor with the crontab file. Enter the following (with correct path) to check every minute if the services are running:

* * * * * /home/USERNAME/services/data/services.chk >/dev/null 2>&1

The */5 at the beginning means "check every 5 minutes". You may replace the 5 with other another number if you want (but less than 60). Consult your system's manual pages for more details on the syntax of the crontab file. Interesting manpages are crontab(5), crontab(1) and cron(8).

Save and exit, and it's installed.