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  • HELP
    	OperServ commands:
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ GLOBAL message
    	Syntax: GLOBAL message
    	Allows Administrators to send messages to all users on the
    	network. The message will be sent from the nick OperServ.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ STATS [AKILL | ALL | RESET | MEMORY | UPLINK]
    	Without any option, shows the current number of users and
    	IRCops online (excluding Services), the highest number of
    	users online since Services was started, and the length of
    	time Services has been running.
    	With the AKILL option, displays the current size of the
    	AKILL list and the current default expiry time.
    	The RESET option currently resets the maximum user count
    	to the number of users currently present on the network.
    	The MEMORY option displays information on the memory
    	usage of Services. Using this option can freeze Services for
    	a short period of time on large networks; don't overuse it!
    	The UPLINK option displays information about the current
    	server Anope uses as an uplink to the network.
    	The ALL displays the user and uptime statistics, and
    	everything you'd see with MEMORY and UPLINK options.
    	UPTIME may be used as a synonym for STATS.
  • OPER
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ OPER ADD nick
    	Syntax: OPER ADD nick
    	        OPER DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
    	        OPER LIST [mask | list]
    	        OPER CLEAR
    	Allows the Services Root Admins to add or remove nicknames
    	to or from the Services operator list.  A user whose nickname
    	is on the Services operator list and who has identified to
    	OperServ will be able to access Services operator commands.
    	The OPER ADD command adds the given nickname to the
    	Services operator list.
    	The OPER DEL command removes the given nick from the
    	Services operator list.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	those entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
    	The OPER LIST command displays the Services operator list.
    	If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
    	mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	only those entries are shown; for example:
    	   OPER LIST 2-5,7-9
    	      Lists Services operator entries numbered 2 through
    	      5 and 7 through 9.
    	The OPER CLEAR command clears all entries of the
    	Services operator list.
    	Any IRC operator may use the OPER LIST form of the command.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ ADMIN ADD nick
    	Syntax: ADMIN ADD nick
    	        ADMIN DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
    	        ADMIN LIST [mask | list]
    	        ADMIN CLEAR
    	Allows the Services root to add or remove nicknames
    	to or from the Services admin list.  A user whose nickname
    	is on the Services admin list and who has identified to
    	OperServ will be able to access Services admin commands.
    	The ADMIN ADD command adds the given nickname to the
    	Services admin list.
    	The ADMIN DEL command removes the given nick from the
    	Services admin list.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	those entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
    	The ADMIN LIST command displays the Services admin list.
    	If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
    	mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	only those entries are shown; for example:
    	   ADMIN LIST 2-5,7-9
    	      Lists Services admin entries numbered 2 through
    	      5 and 7 through 9.
    	The ADMIN CLEAR command clears all entries of the
    	Services admin list.
    	Any IRC operator may use the ADMIN LIST form of the command.
    	All other use limited to Services root.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ IGNORE {ADD|DEL|LIST|CLEAR} [time] [nick | mask]
    	Syntax: IGNORE {ADD|DEL|LIST|CLEAR} [time] [nick | mask]
    	Allows Services Admins to make Services ignore a nick or mask
    	for a certain time or until the next restart. The default
    	time format is seconds. You can specify it by using units.
    	Valid units are: s for seconds, m for minutes,
    	h for hours and d for days.
    	Combinations of these units are not permitted.
    	To make Services permanently ignore the	user, type 0 as time.
    	When adding a mask, it should be in the format user@host
    	or nick!user@host, everything else will be considered a nick.
    	Wildcards are permitted.
    	Ignores will not be enforced on IRC Operators.
  • MODE
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ MODE channel modes
    	Syntax: MODE channel modes
    	Allows Services operators to set channel modes for any
    	channel.  Parameters are the same as for the standard /MODE
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ UMODE user modes
    	Syntax: UMODE user modes
    	Allows Super Admins to set user modes for any user.
    	Parameters are the same as for the standard /MODE
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ OLINE user flags
    	Syntax: OLINE user flags
    	Allows Super Admins to give Operflags to any user.
    	Flags have to be prefixed with a "+" or a "-". To
    	remove all flags simply type a "-" instead of any flags.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ CLEARMODES channel [ALL]
    	Syntax: CLEARMODES channel [ALL]
    	Clears all binary modes (i,k,l,m,n,p,s,t) and bans from a
    	channel.  If ALL is given, also clears all ops and
    	voices (+o and +v modes) from the channel.
  • KICK
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ KICK channel user reason
    	Syntax: KICK channel user reason
    	Allows staff to kick a user from any channel.
    	Parameters are the same as for the standard /KICK
    	command.  The kick message will have the nickname of the
    	IRCop sending the KICK command prepended; for example:
    	*** SpamMan has been kicked off channel #my_channel by OperServ (Alcan (Flood))
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ AKILL ADD [+expiry] mask reason
    	Syntax: AKILL ADD [+expiry] mask reason
    	        AKILL DEL {mask | entry-num | list}
    	        AKILL LIST [mask | list]
    	        AKILL VIEW [mask | list]
    	        AKILL CLEAR
    	Allows Services operators to manipulate the AKILL list.  If
    	a user matching an AKILL mask attempts to connect, Services
    	will issue a KILL for that user and, on supported server
    	types, will instruct all servers to add a ban (K-line) for
    	the mask which the user matched.
    	AKILL ADD adds the given user@host/ip mask to the AKILL
    	list for the given reason (which must be given).
    	expiry is specified as an integer followed by one of d
    	(days), h (hours), or m (minutes).  Combinations (such as
    	1h30m) are not permitted.  If a unit specifier is not
    	included, the default is days (so +30 by itself means 30
    	days).  To add an AKILL which does not expire, use +0.  If the
    	usermask to be added starts with a +, an expiry time must
    	be given, even if it is the same as the default.  The
    	current AKILL default expiry time can be found with the
    	STATS AKILL command.
    	The AKILL DEL command removes the given mask from the
    	AKILL list if it is present.  If a list of entry numbers is
    	given, those entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST
    	The AKILL LIST command displays the AKILL list.
    	If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
    	mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	only those entries are shown; for example:
    	   AKILL LIST 2-5,7-9
    	      Lists AKILL entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7
    	      through 9.
    	AKILL VIEW is a more verbose version of AKILL LIST, and
    	will show who added an AKILL, the date it was added, and when
    	it expires, as well as the user@host/ip mask and reason.
    	AKILL CLEAR clears all entries of the AKILL list.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SGLINE ADD [+expiry] mask:reason
    	Syntax: SGLINE ADD [+expiry] mask:reason
    	    SGLINE DEL {mask | entry-num | list}
    	        SGLINE LIST [mask | list]
    	        SGLINE VIEW [mask | list]
    	        SGLINE CLEAR
    	Allows Services operators to manipulate the SGLINE list.  If
    	a user with a realname matching an SGLINE mask attempts to
    	connect, Services will not allow it to pursue his IRC
    	SGLINE ADD adds the given realname mask to the SGLINE
    	list for the given reason (which must be given).
    	expiry is specified as an integer followed by one of d
    	(days), h (hours), or m (minutes).  Combinations (such as
    	1h30m) are not permitted.  If a unit specifier is not
    	included, the default is days (so +30 by itself means 30
    	days).  To add an SGLINE which does not expire, use +0.  If the
    	realname mask to be added starts with a +, an expiry time must
    	be given, even if it is the same as the default.  The
    	current SGLINE default expiry time can be found with the
    	STATS AKILL command.
    	Note: because the realname mask may contain spaces, the
    	separator between it and the reason is a colon.
    	The SGLINE DEL command removes the given mask from the
    	SGLINE list if it is present.  If a list of entry numbers is
    	given, those entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST
    	The SGLINE LIST command displays the SGLINE list.
    	If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
    	mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	only those entries are shown; for example:
    	   SGLINE LIST 2-5,7-9
    	      Lists SGLINE entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7
    	      through 9.
    	SGLINE VIEW is a more verbose version of SGLINE LIST, and
    	will show who added an SGLINE, the date it was added, and when
    	it expires, as well as the realname mask and reason.
    	SGLINE CLEAR clears all entries of the SGLINE list.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SQLINE ADD [+expiry] mask reason
    	Syntax: SQLINE ADD [+expiry] mask reason
    	        SQLINE DEL {mask | entry-num | list}
    	        SQLINE LIST [mask | list]
    	        SQLINE VIEW [mask | list]
    	        SQLINE CLEAR
    	Allows Services operators to manipulate the SQLINE list.  If
    	a user with a nick matching an SQLINE mask attempts to
    	connect, Services will not allow it to pursue his IRC
    	If the first character of the mask is #, services will
    	prevent the use of matching channels (on IRCds that
    	support it).
    	SQLINE ADD adds the given mask to the SQLINE
    	list for the given reason (which must be given).
    	expiry is specified as an integer followed by one of d
    	(days), h (hours), or m (minutes).  Combinations (such as
    	1h30m) are not permitted.  If a unit specifier is not
    	included, the default is days (so +30 by itself means 30
    	days).  To add an SQLINE which does not expire, use +0.
    	If the mask to be added starts with a +, an expiry time
    	must be given, even if it is the same as the default. The
    	current SQLINE default expiry time can be found with the
    	STATS AKILL command.
    	The SQLINE DEL command removes the given mask from the
    	SQLINE list if it is present.  If a list of entry numbers is
    	given, those entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST
    	The SQLINE LIST command displays the SQLINE list.
    	If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
    	mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	only those entries are shown; for example:
    	   SQLINE LIST 2-5,7-9
    	      Lists SQLINE entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7
    	      through 9.
    	SQLINE VIEW is a more verbose version of SQLINE LIST, and
    	will show who added an SQLINE, the date it was added, and when
    	it expires, as well as the mask and reason.
    	SQLINE CLEAR clears all entries of the SQLINE list.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SZLINE ADD [+expiry] mask reason
    	Syntax: SZLINE ADD [+expiry] mask reason
    	        SZLINE DEL {mask | entry-num | list}
    	        SZLINE LIST [mask | list]
    	        SZLINE VIEW [mask | list]
    	        SZLINE CLEAR
    	Allows Services operators to manipulate the SZLINE list.  If
    	a user with an IP matching an SZLINE mask attempts to
    	connect, Services will not allow it to pursue his IRC
    	session (and this, whether the IP has a PTR RR or not).
    	SZLINE ADD adds the given IP mask to the SZLINE
    	list for the given reason (which must be given).
    	expiry is specified as an integer followed by one of d
    	(days), h (hours), or m (minutes).  Combinations (such as
    	1h30m) are not permitted.  If a unit specifier is not
    	included, the default is days (so +30 by itself means 30
    	days).  To add an SZLINE which does not expire, use +0.  If the
    	realname mask to be added starts with a +, an expiry time must
    	be given, even if it is the same as the default.  The
    	current SZLINE default expiry time can be found with the
    	STATS AKILL command.
    	The SZLINE DEL command removes the given mask from the
    	SZLINE list if it is present.  If a list of entry numbers is
    	given, those entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST
    	The SZLINE LIST command displays the SZLINE list.
    	If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
    	mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
    	only those entries are shown; for example:
    	   SZLINE LIST 2-5,7-9
    	      Lists SZLINE entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7
    	      through 9.
    	SZLINE VIEW is a more verbose version of SZLINE LIST, and
    	will show who added an SZLINE, the date it was added, and when
    	it expires, as well as the IP mask and reason.
    	SZLINE CLEAR clears all entries of the SZLINE list.
  • SET
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET option setting
    	Syntax: SET option setting
    	Sets various global Services options.  Option names
    	currently defined are:
    	    READONLY   Set read-only or read-write mode
    	    LOGCHAN    Report log messages to a channel
    	    DEBUG      Activate or deactivate debug mode
    	    NOEXPIRE   Activate or deactivate no expire mode
    	    SUPERADMIN Activate or deactivate super-admin mode
    	    SQL        Activate or deactivate sql mode
    	    IGNORE     Activate or deactivate ignore mode
    	    LIST       List the options
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET READONLY {ON | OFF}
    	Syntax: SET READONLY {ON | OFF}
    	Sets read-only mode on or off.  In read-only mode, normal
    	users will not be allowed to modify any Services data,
    	including channel and nickname access lists, etc.  IRCops
    	with sufficient Services privileges will be able to modify
    	Services' AKILL list and drop or forbid nicknames and
    	channels, but any such changes will not be saved unless
    	read-only mode is deactivated before Services is terminated
    	or restarted.
    	This option is equivalent to the command-line option
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET LOGCHAN {ON | OFF}
    	Syntax: SET LOGCHAN {ON | OFF}
    	With this setting on, Services will send its logs to a specified
    	channel as well as the log file. LogChannel must also be defined
    	in the Services configuration file for this setting to be of any
    	This option is equivalent to the command-line option -logchan.
    	Note: This can have strong security implications if your log
    	channel is not properly secured.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET DEBUG {ON | OFF | num}
    	Syntax: SET DEBUG {ON | OFF | num}
    	Sets debug mode on or off.  In debug mode, all data sent to
    	and from Services as well as a number of other debugging
    	messages are written to the log file.  If num is
    	given, debug mode is activated, with the debugging level set
    	to num.
    	This option is equivalent to the command-line option
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET LIST
    	Syntax: SET LIST
    	Display the various OperServ settings
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET NOEXPIRE {ON | OFF}
    	Syntax: SET NOEXPIRE {ON | OFF}
    	Sets no expire mode on or off.  In no expire mode, nicks,
    	channels, akills and exceptions won't expire until the
    	option is unset.
    	This option is equivalent to the command-line option
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET SQL {ON | OFF}
    	Syntax: SET SQL {ON | OFF}
    	Setting this will toggle Anope's usage of SQL, this should
    	be used to disable and enable SQL should your SQL server go down
    	while services are running.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SET SUPERADMIN {ON | OFF}
    	Syntax: SET SUPERADMIN {ON | OFF}
    	Setting this will grant you extra privileges such as the
    	ability to be "founder" on all channel's etc...
    	This option is not persistent, and should only be used when
    	needed, and set back to OFF when no longer needed.
  • NOOP
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ NOOP SET server
    	Syntax: NOOP SET server
    	        NOOP REVOKE server
    	NOOP SET remove all O:lines of the given
    	server and kill all IRCops currently on it to
    	prevent them from rehashing the server (because this
    	would just cancel the effect).
    	NOOP REVOKE makes all removed O:lines available again
    	on the given server.
    	Note: The server is not checked at all by the
  • JUPE
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ JUPE server [reason]
    	Syntax: JUPE server [reason]
    	Tells Services to jupiter a server -- that is, to create
    	a fake "server" connected to Services which prevents
    	the real server of that name from connecting.  The jupe
    	may be removed using a standard SQUIT.  If a reason is
    	given, it is placed in the server information field;
    	otherwise, the server information field will contain the
    	text "Juped by ", showing the nickname of the
    	person who jupitered the server.
  • RAW
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ RAW text
    	Syntax: RAW text
    	Sends a string of text directly to the server to which
    	Services is connected.  This command has a very limited
    	range of uses, and can wreak havoc on a network if used
    	improperly.  DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND unless you are
    	absolutely certain you know what you are doing!
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ UPDATE
    	Syntax: UPDATE
    	Causes Services to update all database files as soon as you
    	send the command.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ RELOAD
    	Syntax: RELOAD
    	Causes Services to reload the configuration file. Note that
    	some directives still need the restart of the Services to
    	take effect (such as Services' nicknames, activation of the
    	session limitation, etc.)
  • QUIT
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ QUIT
    	Syntax: QUIT
    	Causes Services to do an immediate shutdown; databases are
    	not saved.  This command should not be used unless
    	damage to the in-memory copies of the databases is feared
    	and they should not be saved.  For normal shutdowns, use the
    	SHUTDOWN command.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SHUTDOWN
    	Syntax: SHUTDOWN
    	Causes Services to save all databases and then shut down.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ RESTART
    	Syntax: RESTART
    	Causes Services to save all databases and then restart
    	(i.e. exit and immediately re-run the executable).
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ CHANLIST [{pattern | nick} [SECRET]]
    	Syntax: CHANLIST [{pattern | nick} [SECRET]]
    	Lists all channels currently in use on the IRC network, whether they
    	are registered or not.
    	If pattern is given, lists only channels that match it. If a nickname
    	is given, lists only the channels the user using it is on. If SECRET is
    	specified, lists only channels matching pattern that have the +s or
    	+p mode.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ USERLIST [{pattern | channel} [INVISIBLE]]
    	Syntax: USERLIST [{pattern | channel} [INVISIBLE]]
    	Lists all users currently online on the IRC network, whether their
    	nick is registered or not.
    	If pattern is given, lists only users that match it (it must be in
    	the format nick!user@host). If channel is given, lists only users
    	that are on the given channel. If INVISIBLE is specified, only users
    	with the +i flag will be listed.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ EXCEPTION ADD [+expiry] mask limit reason
    	Syntax: EXCEPTION ADD [+expiry] mask limit reason
    	        EXCEPTION DEL {mask | list}
    	        EXCEPTION MOVE num position
    	        EXCEPTION LIST [mask | list]
    	        EXCEPTION VIEW [mask | list]
    	Allows Services admins to manipulate the list of hosts that
    	have specific session limits - allowing certain machines,
    	such as shell servers, to carry more than the default number
    	of clients at a time. Once a host reaches it's session limit,
    	all clients attempting to connect from that host will be
    	killed. Before the user is killed, they are notified, via a
    	/NOTICE from OperServ, of a source of help regarding session
    	limiting. The content of this notice is a config setting.
    	EXCEPTION ADD adds the given host mask to the exception list.
    	Note that nick!user@host and user@host masks are invalid!
    	Only real host masks, such as and *.host.dom,
    	are allowed because sessions limiting does not take nick or
    	user names into account. limit must be a number greater than
    	or equal to zero. This determines how many sessions this host
    	may carry at a time. A value of zero means the host has an
    	unlimited session limit. See the AKILL help for details about
    	the format of the optional expiry parameter.
    	EXCEPTION DEL removes the given mask from the exception list.
    	EXCEPTION MOVE moves exception num to position. The
    	exceptions inbetween will be shifted up or down to fill the gap.
    	EXCEPTION LIST and EXCEPTION VIEW show all current
    	exceptions; if the optional mask is given, the list is limited
    	to those exceptions matching the mask. The difference is that
    	EXCEPTION VIEW is more verbose, displaying the name of the
    	person who added the exception, it's session limit, reason,
    	host mask and the expiry date and time.
    	Note that a connecting client will "use" the first exception
    	their host matches. Large exception lists and widely matching
    	exception masks are likely to degrade services' performance.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SESSION LIST threshold
    	Syntax: SESSION LIST threshold
    	        SESSION VIEW host
    	Allows Services admins to view the session list.
    	SESSION LIST lists hosts with at least threshold sessions.
    	The threshold must be a number greater than 1. This is to
    	prevent accidental listing of the large number of single
    	session hosts.
    	SESSION VIEW displays detailed information about a specific
    	host - including the current session count and session limit.
    	The host value may not include wildcards.
    	See the EXCEPTION help for more information about session
    	limiting and how to set session limits specific to certain
    	hosts and groups thereof.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ CHANKILL [+expiry] channel reason
    	Syntax: CHANKILL [+expiry] channel reason
    	Puts an AKILL for every nick on the specified channel. It
    	uses the entire and complete real ident@host for every nick,
    	then enforces the AKILL.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ DEFCON [1|2|3|4|5]
    	Syntax: DEFCON [1|2|3|4|5]
    	The defcon system can be used to implement a pre-defined
    	set of restrictions to services useful during an attempted
    	attack on the network.
    	* AKILL any new clients connecting
    	* Force Chan Modes (OperServ) to be set on all channels
    	* No MLOCK changes
    	* No new channel registrations
    	* Kill any NEW clients connecting
    	* No new memos sent
    	* No new nick registrations
    	* Ignore any non-opers with message
    	* Use the reduced session limit of %d
    	* Silently ignore non-opers
    	Notice: All commands sent to OperServ are logged!
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ MODINFO FileName
    	Syntax: MODINFO FileName
    	This command lists information about the specified loaded module
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ MODLIST [Core|3rd|protocol|encryption|supported|qatested]
    	Syntax: MODLIST [Core|3rd|protocol|encryption|supported|qatested]
    	Lists all currently loaded modules.
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ MODLOAD FileName
    	Syntax: MODLOAD FileName
    	This command loads the module named FileName from the modules
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ MODUNLOAD FileName
    	Syntax: MODUNLOAD FileName
    	This command unloads the module named FileName from the modules
    	Syntax: /msg OperServ SVSNICK nick newnick
    	Syntax: SVSNICK nick newnick
    	Forcefully changes a user's nickname from nick to newnick.
    	Limited to Super Admins.