Te gjitha komandat e ChanServ:
DOWN Removes a selected nicks status from a channel
DROP Cancel the registration of a channel
ENFORCE Enforce various channel modes and set options
ENTRYMSG Manage the channel's entry messages
FLAGS Modify the list of privileged users
GETKEY Returns the key of the given channel
GSTATS Displays your Global Stats
GTOP Displays the top 3 users of the network
GTOP10 Displays the top 10 users of the network
HALFOP Gives you or the specified nick HALFOP status on a channel
HELP Displays this list and give information about commands
HOP Modify the list of HOP users
INFO Lists information about the specified registered channel
INVITE Invites you or an optionally specified nick into a channel
KICK Kicks a specified nick from a channel
LEVELS Redefine the meanings of access levels
LIST Lists all registered channels matching the given pattern
LOG Configures channel logging settings
MODE Control modes and mode locks on a channel
OP Gives you or the specified nick OP status on a channel
OWNER Gives you or the specified nick OWNER status on a channel
PROTECT Gives you or the specified nick PROTECT status on a channel
QOP Modify the list of QOP users
REDIRECT Redirects nick from channel.
REGISTER Register a channel
SET Set channel options and information
- SET AUTOOP Should services automatically give status to users
- SET BANTYPE Set how Services make bans on the channel
- SET CHANSTATS Turn chanstats statistics on or off
- SET DESC Set the channel description
- SET DESCRIPTION Set the channel description
- SET EMAIL Associate an Email address with the channel
- SET FOUNDER Set the founder of a channel
- SET KEEPMODES Retain modes when channel is not in use
- SET KEEPTOPIC Retain topic when channel is not in use
- SET NOEXPIRE Prevent the channel from expiring
- SET PEACE Regulate the use of critical commands
- SET PERSIST Set the channel as permanent
- SET PRIVATE Hide channel from the LIST command
- SET RESTRICTED Restrict access to the channel
- SET SECURE Activate security features
- SET SECUREFOUNDER Stricter control of channel founder status
- SET SECUREOPS Stricter control of chanop status
- SET SIGNKICK Sign kicks that are done with the KICK command
- SET SUCCESSOR Set the successor for a channel
- SET TOPICHISTORY Enables topic history (list and set previous topics)
- SET URL Associate a URL with the channel
SOP Modify the list of SOP users
STATS Displays your Channel Stats
STATUS Find a user's status on a channel
SUSPEND Prevent a channel from being used preserving channel data and settings
SYNC Sync users channel modes
TELEPORT Teleports nick from channel.
TOP Displays the top 3 users of a channel
TOP10 Displays the top 10 users of a channel
TOPIC Manipulate the topic of the specified channel
TOPICHISTORY Maintain a channel's topic history.
UNBAN Remove all bans preventing a user from entering a channel
UNSUSPEND Releases a suspended channel
UP Updates a selected nicks status on a channel
VOICE Gives you or the specified nick VOICE status on a channel
VOP Modify the list of VOP users